Sunday, August 9, 2009

Indie Youth Fest 08

About a week ago, i attended an Indie Youth Fest at One Utama. Yes, it's Indie not Hindi, there are very different all together. This festival purpose is to expose independent underground music band. This is where newly formed band will showcase their talent and get a taste of public performing and maybe get a break through from there and climb their way all to the top.

The main reason why i really go there is to support my friend who are going to perform on that day. They are actually my old high school friend from Samad who eventually manage to form a band when they enter college. (Only 3 of them are my high school friend the other 2 are their college friend).I always thought it would be cool to actually be in a band and get to play in front of the crowd.

Here are couple of video that i manage to take on that day. Please ignore the audio quality as i know it is bad(taken with a digital camera).

alled Council of One. Please do support them as i felt that this band have huge potential and they have the burning passion for rock music. This is their facebook link.

To have a view on all the other pictures you may look also at my Flickr album.


Adelina said...

I'm so blurr. I didn't know they formed a band! XD

Chen Lam said...

Yeah wei..they manage to formed one..hehe as mention the first i know from our age..XD

Adelina said...

Haha... ya lor... so unexpected somemore, for me la.

But yay! Samad has more ex-students to be proud of XD